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Editorial Team

The editorial team currently consists of the editor-in-chief Ruth M. Mell (Technical University Darmstadt), the deputy editor-in-chief Rita Luppi (Università di Bologna), the editorial assistants  Jihyeon Lee (Technische Universität Darmstadt) and Ramona Pellegrino (Università degli Studi di Genova), the head of the section practical reports/project presentations Franziska Wallner (Herder-Institut der Universität Leipzig), the head of the section corpora Harald Lüngen (Leibniz Institute for the German Language), as well as the editors of the journal Carolina Flinz (Università degli Studi di Milano) and Britta Hufeisen (Technische Universität Darmstadt).

Ruth Maria Mell is the project lead of the project PraxisPro, a DAAD-funded initiative for the internationalization of teacher education programs at the TU Darmstadt. Ruth M. Mell received her doctorate at the University of Mannheim for her research on the language of the 1968 student protests with a special focus on the concept of enlightenment. Until 2018, focus of her academic work at the Leibnitz-Institut for German Language in Mannheim was the analysis of political language (for example in the Weimar republic) as well as corpus-based lexicographic work on the use of expressions on the level of the lexicon. Her current research connects the areas of teacher education, didactics and applied linguistics with concepts of research on specialized language, cross-cultural issues and heterogeneity. 

Rita Luppi received her PhD at the University of Milan for her research on retellings in narrative interviews from the Israelkorpus. 2020/21 she completed a research stay at the Leibniz-Institut for German Language in Mannheim as a DAAD scholarship recipient. In 2020, she published the spotlight edition Deutsch im Vergleich: Textsorten und Diskursarten (see together with Marina Brambilla and Carolina Flinz. Focus of her research interests are mostly in the area of pragmatics, especially conversation analysis, as well as the linguistic analysis of the relationship between language and migration. 

Jihyeon Lee is a research assistant at the Department of Linguistics - Multilingualism at the Technical University of Darmstadt since 2024. Her research focuses on language(s) awareness in multilingual learners and the multidimensional assessment of metalinguistic abilities. In her current PhD project, she is empirically investigating the influence of previous language (learning) experiences on the development of language(s) awareness in early and late multilinguals.

Ramona Pellegrino received her PhD at the University of Genoa for her research on metalinguistic reflections and multilingualism in transcultural German-language literature in 2017 (dissertation prize of the doctoral school). Since 2021 she has been a research fellow for a project on the Israelkorpus at the University of Genoa, where she is also lecturer for translators and interpreters, as well as subject expert  in German-language literature. She is a member of the scientific board of the Inter-University Research Centre POLYPHONIE (Genoa-Catania). Her research interests focus on language biographies, the linguistic analysis of the relationship between language and migration, and forms of literary multilingualism in contemporary German-language literature.

Franziska Wallner is a researcher at Leipzig University. Her research focuses on corpus-based studies of German as a first, second and foreign language, considering both written and oral text types and genres. Her overarching aim is to identify language-related challenges and phenomena relevant to teaching on an empirical basis. She completed her doctorate on collocations in academic languages in 2012 and was habilitated in 2024 with a thesis on cross-disciplinary lexis in educational contexts.

Harald Lüngen has been a research assistant at the Leibniz Institute for the German Language since 2011, where he is responsible for the German reference corpus DeReKo. Harald studied computational linguistics, general linguistics, English and mathematics at the universities of Heidelberg and Bielefeld. He received his doctorate in Linguistics from Bielefeld University in 2002 for his thesis on a hierarchical morphology model for lexical acquisition from the Verbmobil corpus. From 2000 until 2002, he worked as a project manager at Lingsoft Oy in Helsinki and from 2022 until 2011 as a research assistant in the DFG research group Text Technology and in the Centre for Media and Interactivity at Justus Liebig University in Giessen.